Worship Service on March 9, 2025
11:00 a.m.
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Church Bulletin for 3/9/2025
Fifth Avenue
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Man of the year,
Rev. Bob Fiedler
Men's Day
October 09, 2022
Read the article
An active Elder at 5th Avenue, Carnis was recently recognized by an article in the Roanoke Times.
“God is light; In him there is no darkness...”
[1 John 1:5]
Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church is an engaged community of faith, at work throughout Roanoke and the greater community. With groups of people putting their collective gifts to good use, our small congregation feels close and intimate. All are welcome to join this community of faith.
Fifth Avenue is a member of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), the largest Presbyterian denomination in the country and a part of the reformed tradition. We are committed to affirming the dignity and humanity of every person, and strive to create a welcoming environment for all God’s children.
Celebrating 130 Years of Faith & Service
How to Become a Member of the
5th Avenue Presbyterian Church
If you are looking for a family of faith with whom you can worship God, study Scripture, laugh and have fun, and serve God and the world, then we want you to know that you are welcome at Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church. Being a member is not required for you to participate in the activities of our congregation. But, once you know the authentic love and support of this church family, and have decided to make 5th Avenue Presbyterian Church your faith home, then there are three ways to become a member:
1. Profession of Faith – If you have never publicly professed Jesus Christ as God’s Son and your Lord and Savior or been baptized into the Christian faith, then we welcome you to make your profession of faith here. If you have been baptized in any other Christian Church then you do not need to be re-baptized to join. Before being baptized, you will be given the opportunity to meet with pastor to talk about the meaning of becoming a Disciple of Jesus Christ and the process of Baptism.
2. Re-Affirmation of Faith – If you were baptized into the Christian community through another church, but have not been an active part of any congregation for some time, you may wish to join Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church by re-affirming your faith in Jesus Christ as God’s Son and your Lord and Savior. After conversations with the pastor, you will be given the opportunity to re-affirm your faith by answering three simple questions before a small group of the Ruling Elders of our congregation. There is no test and no requirements for knowledge! There is only an opportunity to say that you believe in Jesus Christ and that you want to learn what it means to be a disciple of Jesus, want to be a member of Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, and want to become involved and supportive of the Fifth Avenue Church Community.
3. Transfer of Membership – If you have recently been active in another Christian Congregation, but now wish to have Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church be your primary faith home, then you may do so by requesting to move your membership here. You can do this by contacting the pastors, or by indicating your wish to join to one of the Session members.
If you are not yet certain that you want to become a member of Fifth, or would like to talk more about what it means to profess faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, then know that we welcome your presence among us! At any time, feel free to contact the pastor or an elder to talk through any questions and discuss the simple process of becoming a member of Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church.